I have been sewing a little and finally showing this outfit. It was a very easy project. I've worn it twice and I have to say it's very comfortable. I used a moleskin from Joann's that's been in my fabric collection for quite awhile.
The pattern was pretty much sewn straight from the envelope. That is rare for me. But the only thing I changed was adding length to the sleeves so they're three-quarter length. It looks like the pattern except for that. Sorry no picture of me wearing it but I received many compliments.
There's not a lot to say about this except I will probably sew it again. This project did help me kick start my sewing because I had not sewn much at all since the quick and easy things I made for vacation back in July. Also, I ordered a few patterns from Club BMV during their out of print clearance for 99 cents. Including Vogue and Kwik-Sew! Looking forward to receiving that package.
There are many projects I'd like to work on in the near future and will do my best to keep updating frequently. Thanks for stopping by.