Hello Everyone! I have been absent from sewing and updating the blog. The time goes by so quickly and the next thing you know here we are in a new season. I have not sewn anything since July for my two trips. I always feel I am not ready no matter what the season change is. Again I feel this way. I came down to my sewing area Saturday night thinking I'd cut NL 6130 but instead I see the dress and jacket I made in July. It was too warm for it then, but now it will be perfect. I did not add the buttons in July because I decided not to take it on the trip. So this is what I wore for church yesterday. I'm glad I went downstairs. Oh by the way, this is an OOP McCalls 4930
. Its a Palmer/Pletsch Classic Fit dress and jacket. I thought I had a photo of the pattern, But not at the moment, I can't locate. Next time. .